
What Are Your Contingency Plans?

By Richard Okolo Every company should have a plan that addresses extenuating circumstances beyond it’s control. Profitability is very dependent on the extra effort(s) of all employees and critical to overall longevity. Each percentage of extra effort extend by a company adds value and offsets contingent adjustments. Losing that last portion of effort may cause […]

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Can You Sell Yourself?

By Richard Okolo Throughout life, all of us will be required to present ourselves in a particular manner to individuals and groups alike. This is a lifelong process which can occur frequently and periodically. All of us have gone through some sort of interview process. Although the most common interview is for employment, there are […]

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Three Critical Managerial Skills

By Richard Okolo Managers in the business world must have a wide range of skills and attributes in order to effectively lead and delegate business objectives. The skill set list can be quite extensive, so we decided just to pinpoint three critical skills that managers need in order to thrive in any business environment. They […]

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