
Update Your Business Plan

By Richard Okolo Now that the past year has gone, this new year would be a good time to update your business plan. Many small businesses prepare a business plan at their date of formation and never seek to update their plan. What would be the reason to update your plan? There are numerous business […]

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Building A Winning Team

By Richard Okolo “Sooner or later, false thinking brings wrong conduct.” Julian Huxley Quite often in business companies presume they will succeed based solely on what they offer and not whom they employ. To create a winning team in your firm you need to create a professional, cohesive working environment which maximizes the skills and […]

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Holiday Online Shopping Tips

By Richard Okolo The holidays are here! It’s that time of year that shoppers flock to the mall to purchase those Christmas gifts. To avoid the hustle and chaos of the local shopping centers, many shoppers are going online to purchase their gifts. With that in mind, we offer some tips to our e-commerce gift […]

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Using Your Business Cards Effectively

By Richard Okolo Business people always need to be able to keep in contact with prospective clients. This is where the business card can become an essential tool. The business card is one of the most proficient ways to advertise yourself and your firm to gain clients. Although small in stature, they act as “paper […]

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Avoiding Phishing Internet Scams

By Richard Okolo Email has become the communication standard on the Internet. Individuals and corporations alike periodically send out legitimate notices to inform their readers of pertinent information. But every so often you may receive an e-mail in your account which may ask you for personal and/or financial information. Other than being standard spam email, […]

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